Beautiful Cosmetics

Kybella Swelling: How long does it last and How to reduce it?

Kybella is an excellent option for reducing submental fat or double chin. It’s non-surgical, FDA-approved, and can make a real difference in your facial profile. However, swelling is a normal part of the recovery process after Kybella injections.

At Beautiful Cosmetics MD in Chino, CA, we ensure you have all the information you need for a smooth and informed recovery. Let’s go over how Kybella works, what causes the swelling, and, most importantly, how to reduce it so you can always feel your best.

how long does kybella swelling last before and after

Kybella-How Does it Work?

Kybella uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which your body produces naturally to help break down dietary fat. When Dr Hamkar injects Kybella into the area under your chin, the deoxycholic acid breaks down fat cells. Over time, your body naturally absorbs and flushes out these destroyed fat cells. The result? A slimmer, more defined jawline. The cool part is, once those fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good—no coming back. However, this process isn’t instantaneous; swelling is part of your body’s natural healing response.

Kybella Results and Timelines

So, when will you start seeing those results you’re excited about? Most patients start seeing visible results within 4 to 6 weeks after their initial treatment, but multiple sessions may be required depending on the amount of fat being treated.

This allows your body time to break down and eliminate the fat cells from each session. Full results take time, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see a dramatic change right after your first injection. The swelling may appear significant, especially after the first treatment, but it usually subsides within a few weeks.

Just hang in there, and remember, the results are permanent once you reach your goal.

What Causes Kybella Swelling?

Now, let’s dive into why swelling happens. Swelling is one of the most common side effects after Kybella injections, and it’s nothing to worry about. When we inject Kybella, the deoxycholic acid destroys the fat cells, and as a result, the body reacts by sending fluids to the area to help clean up the mess—this is what causes the swelling. Think of it as your body’s way of healing and flushing out the fat cells. The more fat we’re treating, the more swelling you may experience.

How Long Does Kybella Swelling Last?

On average, most of our patients find that the swelling peaks within the first 48 hours after treatment. It’s normal for the area to feel puffy and tender during this time. From there, the swelling gradually starts to go down, and for most people, it’s significantly improved within 3 to 7 days. That said, if your swelling lasts a little longer—up to two weeks—it’s still within the normal range, especially if we’re treating a larger area. Don’t worry; the swelling will go away on its own with time.

How to reduce Kybella swelling?

Although swelling after Kybella is a normal part of the recovery process, you’re probably wondering, “Okay, but what can I do to reduce the swelling?” There are some things that can help. 

First and foremost, stay hydrated. Water helps your body flush out the broken-down fat cells faster, which is key to helping your body recover more quickly.

You’ll also want to avoid salty foods and alcohol for the first few days, as both can make swelling worse. 

Sleeping with your head elevated can also help minimize puffiness, so if you sleep flat, try adding an extra pillow or two. 

Avoiding strenuous activities in the first few days is also important—take it easy!

What Is the Fastest Way to Reduce Kybella Swelling?

For our patients who want to speed up their recovery, the fastest way to reduce kybella swelling day by day is by using a cold compress. You can apply a cold compress to the area for 15 minutes, taking breaks in between. Ensure you’re not applying ice directly to your skin—always use a cloth or towel to avoid frostbite. You can also take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen to help with swelling and any discomfort.

Does Everyone Swell with Kybella?

The short answer is yes. Swelling is very common with Kybella. We tell our patients to expect some swelling because it’s a normal part of the fat breakdown process. That said, the amount of swelling can vary from person to person. Some patients only experience mild puffiness, while others may notice more significant swelling. Factors like how much fat we treat and your body’s natural response to the injections can influence how much you swell. But again, swelling is temporary!

What are the side effects of KYBELLA?

Besides swelling, there are a few other side effects that you might experience after Kybella injections. Possible side effects include:

Bruising: Bruising around the injection sites is common and usually fades within a week.

Tenderness: The treated area may be tender or sore to the touch for a few days.

Numbness: Temporary numbness or a tingling sensation is a possible side effect that usually resolves as the swelling subsides.

Redness: Mild redness in the treated area is normal and typically fades within a few days.

Patients sometimes report feeling firm or lumpy areas where the fat is broken down, which is temporary. The body will smooth everything out as it metabolizes the fat.

Final Thoughts

Swelling after Kybella is a common and expected side effect, but it is temporary and manageable. Following aftercare guidelines and taking simple steps such as icing and staying hydrated can reduce discomfort and promote healing. Patience is key—swelling will subside, and you will start to see the impressive results of a slimmer, more contoured chin.

At Beautiful Cosmetics MD in Chino, CA, we’re dedicated to providing personalized care and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with the slightest discomfort. If you have any concerns or questions about Kybella swelling or the recovery process, don’t hesitate to contact our expert team.


Is Kybella expensive?

The cost of Kybella varies depending on the number of treatments required and the provider. On average, a single treatment session can cost between $1,200 and $1,800, with most patients needing two to four sessions for optimal results.

Will my skin tighten after Kybella?

Kybella primarily targets fat reduction, not skin tightening. However, for some patients, as the fat is reduced, the skin may appear slightly tighter. Additional treatments like radiofrequency or laser therapy may be recommended for those with significant skin laxity to improve skin tone.

How bad does Kybella hurt?

Pain levels vary depending on individual tolerance. Most patients report mild to moderate discomfort during and after the procedure. The injection itself may cause a stinging sensation, but this subsides quickly. Post-treatment discomfort is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Is it normal to have lumps after Kybella?

Yes, temporary lumps or hardness in the treated area are common after Kybella. These lumps occur as the body processes the destroyed fat cells and are usually not a cause for concern. The lumps should resolve on their own within a few weeks.

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