Liquid nose job
Dermal Fillers
Dermal filler is a gel which when injected into the nose can be used to reshape, define, hide bumps, and straighten the nose. The nose filler for the non surgical nose job will be injected which takes a matter of minutes as our doctors are highly skilled and experienced in performing this treatment. It can be performed swiftly to minimise your discomfort. You may have some swelling and your final result will be visible in 2 weeks' time when any swelling has gone after the nose filler treatment.
Swelling, redness, firmness, itching and tenderness may be present for up to two weeks. Use of cool packs may be used as needed.
The results will be immediate, but its best effects are noted after swelling has resolve, wait 3 weeks for final results. Any severe swelling, itching, redness, increasing discomfort or discharge from treated area should be reported to your injector ASAP.
Please TEXT with any questions or concerns
24/7 951-7349108