Treatment for Jaw Tension and TMJ
Dermal Fillers
You have undoubtedly heard of Botox injections used to enhance lips, cheeks, etc., or to smooth out wrinkles across the forehead or around the eyes. But you may not be familiar with the use of Botox as a relief from the pain of TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders affect the jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles. At best, a TMJ disorder can cause chronic jaw pain, and at worst, it can result in a host of vague symptoms that can go undiagnosed for months, even years.
Swelling, redness, firmness, itching and tenderness may be present for up to two weeks. Use of cool packs may be used as needed.
The results will be immediate, but its best effects are noted after swelling has resolve, wait 3 weeks for final results. Any severe swelling, itching, redness, increasing discomfort or discharge from treated area should be reported to your injector ASAP.
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24/7 951-7349108