Can Jeuveau® Last Longer In The Face Than BOTOX®?

For most patients considering a cosmetic treatment or procedure, one of the primary goals is to achieve the longest-lasting results possible. When it comes to smoothing out dynamic lines and wrinkles specifically, injectable neurotoxins provide relatively rapid and long-lasting results. With several products to choose from, however, many patients wonder which one may work the best and last the longest. At Beautiful Cosmetics Dr Hamkar is committed to offering the most current and effective cosmetic products and treatments available today to help his patients stay ahead of the curve and achieve stunning, natural-looking, and long-lasting results. Keep reading for a closer comparison of two of the most popular wrinkle relaxers, BOTOX and Jeuveau, and find out which one may give you the most bang for your buck.
The Basics of BOTOX
Without question, BOTOX is one of the most popular injectable wrinkle relaxers on the market, though there are now several BOTOX alternatives that are growing in popularity each year– like Dysport® and Xeomin®. All of these wrinkle relaxers are classified as injectable neurotoxins and can be used to improve the appearance of expressive lines and wrinkles on the face. Additionally, BOTOX can be used to treat certain medical conditions, such as chronic headaches or hyperhidrosis. Generally speaking, BOTOX works by temporarily paralyzing the muscle into which it is injected, forcing the wrinkles on the skin’s surface to relax. Some of the most common concerns that can be addressed with BOTOX injections include:
Forehead lines
Brow lines
Crow’s feet
Excessive underarm sweating
Bladder spasms/overactive bladder
What’s the difference between BOTOX and Jeuveau?
Both BOTOX and Jeuveau are injectable neurotoxins that can help minimize the appearance of dynamic facial lines and wrinkles. The primary difference between Jeuveau and BOTOX lies in the specific strain of botulinum toxin contained within each product. Additionally, the two wrinkle relaxers are manufactured by different companies located in different countries. Another noteworthy difference between BOTOX and Jeuveau is that Jeuveau is only approved for cosmetic use, whereas BOTOX is FDA approved for a number of cosmetic and medical/functional applications. However, both products can produce virtually identical results when used as cosmetic wrinkle relaxers.
Does BOTOX or Jeuveau last longer?
Both BOTOX and Jeuveau provide effects that last for an average of 3 – 4 months. However, some patients report that Jeuveau tends to last a little longer for them – up to 5 or 6 months – than BOTOX does. For patients who do not notice a difference in how long BOTOX lasts vs. how long Jeuveau lasts, the price can be a deciding factor in choosing between the two. Generally speaking, Jeuveau is offered at a lower price point compared to BOTOX, in part because Jeuveau is approved only for cosmetic use.
During your initial consultation for wrinkle relaxers at Beautiful Cosmetics MD, Dr Hamkar will explain all of your available options in great detail and help determine which product can give you the most beautiful results while meeting your financial and lifestyle needs as well.